Botox: Not just for the forehead!

Botox: Not just for the forehead!
You may have think that Botox is only used on the forehead or between the brows, but this is not true! There are many different areas that can be treated with Botox, and we're here to break them down for you.

MASSETER:⁠ The masseter muscle, located at the back of your jaw and not only involved in chewing but also clenching or grinding teeth. These problems can be prevented with Botox injections – which reshape and slim down jawlines as well!

BUNNY LINES⁠: Botox can be injected into either side of the nose to smooth out those pesky bunny lines.

NECK BANDS⁠: As we age, the platysma muscle—which runs up and down our neck—can become more prominent due to skin thinning. Botox is an effective way to relax these muscles, providing a more youthful appearance to the neck.

DAO⁠: Are you tired of RBF😩 that's because your Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) is overactive. A muscle that pulls the corners of your mouth down, making you look permanently unhappy, even when you're not. Botox can bring back the neutral state of your mouth. No more RBF😩

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